My mind is full today of thoughts that I don't have words for. I have a knot in my stomach as the veil is even slightly lifted beyond what my life looks like today. I see so many things in front of me that I can't wait to drink up. I long for those day. That's what it is. I'm ecstatic for the things He is revealing.
This is what I can tell you... He won't let me just waltz into authority, influence and inheritance until I know - and fully understand - the reason they are given to me. So when blessings come, I won't be fazed, but have my eyes always fixed on the brokenness of this world.
I sense that miracles abound. These miracles are available to me as I yield my methods and practicality to Him. This must have been the way the disciples felt when He told them to take nothing with them. Having God reveal His provision to me as I go is something that I long for and what I believe God is expecting from me in the coming year. I'm certain that as I obey, my inheritance in the Kingdom will fall down from Heaven around me. Because if I've learned anything from God, its that all I need is what's in my hand today. I thought I needed a loaded bank account. I don't. I thought I needed the right material things to be relevant. I don't. I need the miraculous. I need a relationship that inspires love and commitment for others. I need a beauty that inspires others to embrace themselves as they are. I need a passion that demonstrates an unrelenting nature in others. This is what the world hungers for - a demonstration of Passion, Power and Joy.