little miracles

...You paid off my car - almost the exact amount of the $140 I lost over a year ago. You told me You wouldn't let it go unnoticed. You redeem even the smallest things that are taken. Your Word is to be trusted emphatically. And on the way home tonight I was caught in a terrible rain. You sent an empty bus to take me home - free of charge - to a dry and safe apartment. Please bless the bus driver with an unspeakable blessing for hearing Your voice and obeying.
Its clear that I've entered a season of miracles. They are forerunners sent to prepare me for an array of unmistakable and remarkable happenings that will trump even the greatest things I've seen up until this point. O God, I want so much more! I confess I've trusted the meaningless and forewent the extraordinary so often. I'm overcome by who You are. Your majesty is calling me to abandon everything else I've known. Your power is changing me, changing me more and more entrusted to carry Your words. You have my heart.
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