Friday, October 21, 2011

things i want to say to you

Don't ever give up this dream. Don't ever look around and think you're behind, not gifted enough, not doing the right things. You are exactly where you need to be. You're listening to the only Voice that matters. And you will succeed. Your life is shrouded in favor. Therefore, you have nothing to be afraid of or threatened by. You are uniquely you, and your perspective is exactly what is needed for this particular hour of history. Here's to you, friend! This is what it means to step into your own destiny. This is where art and life and passion mirrors spiritual calling. Go all the way. Take it to the maximum level.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

little you

I adore you, little one. My baby so full of dreams. Plucking from the dirt magical pieces of delight. I love you, little friend. I love seeing how you evolve and change each passing day. I gave birth to you in tears and pain, never giving up the hope that one day you would emerge out of my decay. You were bottled up life inside me. Now you're upon the earth radiating Spirit and Glory. You are highly favored and loved. Your father and I will always cherish you, and make sure you are never given up on. You are highly favored and will abundantly succeed. We will see your Goodness in the land of the living.

Friday, October 14, 2011


Loving life these days. So much is unknown and that makes it all so exciting. I've never been this okay with mystery. I'm completely safe in the palm of His hand. I have nothing to fear. I'm taking huge risks without all the answers. Just living by the voice of the Spirit. That has made all the difference I could have hoped for. Believing for and standing on solid promises of faithfulness, success and wisdom to continue to move ahead. And the most fabulous part of this is that I'm doing it all with my best friend. How I love Mr. Allen. What redemption. What an upswing!