Two days ago marked the third year of my relationship with Mr. Allen. We had a wonderful, full day of nothing but celebrating love, love, love. I baked a chocolate chip coffee cake that was absolutely divine once I was able to get in the oven. I had a mishap with melting the chocolate chips to drizzle over the batter. I left them in the microwave too long and had an apartment that smelled (and still faintly smells) like cooked plastic. To alleviate our senses, we made a quick jaunt into the city to do little shopping at some of our favorite stores, but found nothing fantastic enough to buy. I like those days sometimes as much as I like finding the perfect addition to my wardrobe. Afterward, we came back home to relax and start dinner. I made my mother's recipe, Sweet and Sour Stir Fry Chicken over rice. He bought a bottle of
Pinot Noir and coconut cake. Over dinner, we
reminisced about the past three years - the ups and downs. It was amazing to think back to everything that's happened, both good and bad. We've come so far. But more amazing than that was realizing that everything we need and could ever hope for was present already in that little studio living room. The life we've imagined is already surrounding us. The rest is just icing on the coconut cake. We finished off the night in the most romantic way - watching the Big 10/ACC basketball tournament. Such a perfect day!