
This morning on my way to work, I saw a girl reading Henry VIII on the metro. She was young, attractive and obviously intelligent. I asked myself why I have no interest in that kind of history, and why I gravitate toward beauty, images, color, texture, sound, composition. Maybe I would be interested in Henry VIII if I could see his wardrobe, his house and lifestyle; if the book had been about his garden or parties.
But instead, I'm interested in these people. These are the images that have been capturing my attention. Kate Moss isn't exactly my style - or at all, but I like her use of vintage pieces and how she composes her ensemble. I love the juxtaposition of the hard and the soft, casual and formal, short and long, platinum hair, dark eyes, opaque legs and exposed wrists. This anonymous woman though is quite my style. I love her quiet forcefulness, the black and the white striped headpiece, red lips and bare eye; vintage but modern. And I adore Heidi and Seal. Everything about this image says urban travelers. I love the coordination between the two; her casual and kiddish t-shirt with the gray suede high boots, and his perfectly layered gray elegance. Both in shades. So comfortable, so confident, so in forward motion.