I've stopped at different places along the road thinking I had arrived at my destination. I wondered why my plans didn't work out, if I had done something wrong, if I was unworthy of a certain venture, if I wasn't smart enough, savvy enough, brave enough. But as silly as this might sound, every time I watch The City I come back to the overwhelming conclusion that I was completely destined to bypass the fashion community, not by avoiding it altogether, but by coming in through a different door than I expected. I was never meant, as hard as I tried, to work my way up the unforgiving and thankless fashion chain. I've pursued many angles of fashion and come back to the simplest of them all: to be fashionable and to live a fashionable life. These are my current coordinates on the map of my desires. If I had stopped too soon, I would have been robbed of the larger picture, the fuller realization of my calling. Being rerouted has been alarming and confusing. But when I consider the smallness of my earlier dreams, I begin to see the vastness of His. I can never fathom them all. My dreams will never compare and they will never be enough. What I'll do doesn't matter half as much as the promise that I will.
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