I love contrasts. I love varying degrees and variations of contrasts; high end and low end, city and country, black and white, straight and curly, simple and opulant, domestic and international. Contrasts give strength to a subject and has an enormous impact on the eye. Sometimes contrasts aren't comfortable because they require the presence of something and an absence of something else. They are always in competition. But I love this juxtaposition; a meeting place of opposing worlds. Is there anything more interesting?
All throughout life, the story of contrasts is much more interesting than the story of similarities. They are far more rare. They are a treasure. Stories of redemption are no exception. All around me are women filled with stories of redemptive contrasts. My encouragement to them is that their story is full of beauty because of its highs and lows, darkness and light, being lost and then being found. As every artist knows, varying degrees of light, texture and color make a masterpiece.
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