
I thought I knew You. But we've been reacquainted, and this reintroduction has completely altered my existence. I wish I would find adequate words to capture what I never knew. Your love language and posture toward me radiate to the point of exhaustion. I've been laboring for this breakthrough for months. And now I am ruined. Your heart toward me in nothing less than lavish. Your romance, Your passion, Your charm consume my every thought. How I consume Your every thought in return. I become shy at Your advances. You draw me again to Your closeness. You give me Your heart and I learn to understand You, to pour out myself the way You pour Yourself. In Your presence, I find my joy. I am free to enjoy, free to laugh and free to dance before Your throne. I am Your child and daughter. May my life entertain You and bring Your lavish praises. I'm forever lost in your love.
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