Monday, November 29, 2010

unveiled faces

There comes a point when you have to take a good look at yourself. And admit it. You are rebellious. I've been confessing and admitting and finding freedom. I'm being called to discipline. Away from rebellion. Dying to myself. Staying engaged and interested when I would rather daydream. Paying attention to details when I'd prefer to remain tied to the bigger picture. Pushing through and passed obstacles. Doing what's right rather than what I want to do. It's called maturity. It's foundational.

I used to think that if I got out of one situation all my troubles would be gone. Now I know that by staying in those situations I'll be able to fight harder and stronger and longer next time. The problems aren't supposed to go away; they're supposed to become more defeatedable each time they arise.


Blogger Christina Miller said...

speaking to RIGHT where I am as well!!

7:50 PM  

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