stream of consciousness

Here I am tonight, in my 6th floor apartment. My space is clean, candles are burning, and my dinner is simmering on the stove. The smell of wild rice and chicken dance in the air. I'm thinking tonight. A doorway is emerging before me. A new place. It's time to reflect, and I'm recording all the lessons this chapter in my life has afforded me. The list is quite extensive. It's clear to see that this new door could have never existed without the prerequisite period of Nordstrom and two years of dating Rico. This time has been so rich, so deep, that I'm only now beginning to see the fruit of my obedience. Rico is in New York tonight. I'm imagining what that life will be like; the 12th floor apartment, our space clean and well-edited, candles burning as we prepare dinner. A thousand lives around us impacted even by the slightest smells escaping from our home.
No other idols. Only Kingdom living. Only Jesus. Only.
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