Wednesday, July 06, 2011


I experienced the best Independence Day weekend of my life. It began at a Messianic Jewish service celebrating Shabbat. In the middle of worship, the congregation began praying over anyone who felt oppressed by the battle they were in. We declared He is my defense, I will not be moved over and over and over again. A woman came to me, placed one hand on my back and one hand on my stomach, and started declaring liberty, Liberty, LIBERTY (about a hundred times) over my life. She starting naming things that I've been struggle with as if I had confided those things to her. I started agreeing with her and shouting and screaming Yes! Yes! Yes! I receive Your freedom, God! I receive Your LIBERTY in my life!! And I declare liberty over the curse of fear of failure that has tormented the women in my family line. I left sobbing and completely drenched in sweat. And free. Completely, irrevocably free.

The weekend ended with amazing friends in a gorgeously rich backyard in Haymarket. Setting off firecrackers, making S'mores and laughing together. What joy filled my life that night. To enjoy them without inhibition and without condemnation of self. It was gloriously, abundantly rich.

Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty.
Liberty: freedom from control, interference, obligation, restriction, hampering conditions; freedom from captivity, confinement, or physical restraint


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